Friday, February 21, 2025

Laurel Falls Icicle Hike

What started as a short hike along the creek ended up a hike to Laurel Falls. The icicle were amazing to see on the cool day.


Monday, February 10, 2025

Fall Creek Falls

Lora and I did some exploring today. Back in October while hiking the Paw paw trail we came across a guy working on clearing trees. He told us that they were clearing the Upper and Lower loop trails and hoped to have it open by December. 

We found the new trailhead for the Lower loop trail across from the old school house. It is blazed but not signed. It goes to the Paw paw trail and is signed to head North where it is signed again, but a closed sign is still there. Lots of trees down in that area. Going back to the School house we found a red blazed trail out back and took it. It connects to the old Upper Loop trail and it is cleared. We hiked it to the Rockhouse Creek where the bridge is out. It is laying just down stream. We are assuming that the trail is most likely cleared all the way through, but we will have do some more investigating. 


Saturday, February 8, 2025

Hall Road Section of the North Chickamauga Creek

Today’s hike on the CT. Starting at the Hall Road trailhead which is on Old Anderson road. We hiked 3 miles in on the South end of the N. Chickamauga creek segment. We saw a salamander, a deer, and six hikers. Beautiful day to be out.


Friday, February 7, 2025

Lost Creek to Virgin Falls TTA

Joint hike Murfreesboro and Plateau TTA chapters, led by Sheila and Sara. 15 hikers hiked several uphill climbs to the beautiful Virgin Falls. Rylander Cascades had a great water flow. I saw leaves of hepatica and violets and Little Brown Jug getting excited about the warm weather. All the streams had water from the recent rain. Virgin Falls was beautiful today. Several of us hiked up to the top where the water flows out of a cave, and then climbed down the rocks to the trail heading back. Hikers from Murfreesboro: Joe, Jay, Sara, Tony, Craig, Lora. 


Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Chickamauga Battlefield TTA

Dave led 21 hikers from Scenic City on a 4.5 mile hike. The east loop from the Visitor Center parking lot was an easy hike, very little elevation change. We hiked across the main road and followed the Yellow Trail south to the site of Jay's Mill at Brotherton Road, passed many war monuments. We made our way to the headquarters of General Bragg, who let the Confederate Army to victory in this battle. Then the Red Trail back to the Visitor Center. It was a beatiful day, visiting with some long time friends. After the hike a group of us enjoyed lunch at Parkway Restaurant. 


Saturday, February 1, 2025

Soddy Gorge to Hwy 111


Today's hike started at Big Soddy Creek Gorge on Back Valley Road in Soddy. We took the Jim Adams' trail and Board Camp Creek trail to the Cumberland trail and headed North to Hwy 111. We met Jim and Ruth on the way in on Jim Adams' trail. It was a beautiful day for hiking and we only saw four people on the CT. Board Camp Creek Gorge is always beautiful and hiking along the Creek the whole way. There was some ice on the trail which was challenging along the rock walls. On our way back we saw two does crossing the trail.
