Sunday, November 17, 2019

Ritchie Hollow Trail TTA

Joan led 8 hikers to Snoopers Rock via the Ritchie Hollow Trail. The trailhead is on a winding road following the Tennessee River, River Canyon Road, barely wide enough for two lanes. The trail is hard packed now, much better than the muddy mess Craig and I hiked when it was first opened. Lots of folks must have been packing it down. The waterfall was not much more than a trickle, but still beautiful. We got to the junction where all those pretty signs are directing you to the trails-no mileage info, so unless you inquired or studied a topo, just guess, but carry a lot of water and food in case you guess wrong.

The Cumberland Trail starts here, so we followed it to Snoopers Rock, walked around all the vehicles parked here, out to the Rock with gorgeous views of the river.

Great lunch spot with the crowd of people all enjoying this beautiful day. Anybody can drive here, but WE chose to hike.

Great group of hikers!

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