Friday, May 17, 2024

Smoky Mountain Cosby Campground TTA

We set up tents in two group campsites in the Cosby Campground. The first day we hiked to Sutton Ridge by way of the lower Mt. Cammerer trail and then came back on the nature trail inside the campground. We enjoyed a potluck feast that evening and sat under a canopy during a light rain. The next morning, we hiked Porter's Creek in the Greenbrier section of the Smokies. We explored a cemetery, an old homestead and passed a beautiful waterfall. That evening we enjoyed a meal at the Crystelle Creek Restaurant near Gatlinburg. Thursday morning, we left the campsite to hike to the lookout tower on top of Mt. Cammerer. We hiked there via Low Gap, AT and Mt. Cammerer trails. We finally got to build a fire that evening since it hadn't rained that day. Friday, some of the hikers stayed back to hike to Ramsey Cascades. We experienced a lot of rain, but everyone enjoyed the hikes and identifying all the beautiful wildflowers. Participants were Jim Barritt, Patti Bradley, Betsy Darken, Wendy Fish, Joe Gonzalez, Susan Gonzalez, Joan Hartvigsen, Tammy Hendrick, Mark Hubbard, Mary Larsen, Craig McBride, Lora McBride, Sara Pollard, Georganne Ross, Cynthia Skidmore, Sherlene Spicer, and Michel Travers. 


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