Friday, January 1, 2016

New Years Day Hike 2016

I went to Edgar Evans State Park for the 1st hike of the year, sponsored by Friends of Edgar Evans SP. There were 82 folks there to hike and eat and hike. We met at the pavilion by the marina and spread the food on the table. Crockpots plugged in, gloves and toboggans on, we carpooled to the trailhead for the Millennium Trail. We had a Park Ranger to lead the hike and three other Rangers came along. It's a pretty trail, some old home sites and rock walls, and a couple of places where the lake came up into the trail. All the recent rains have raised the lake levels. 

When we got back to the pavilion, hungry hikers loaded plates, got some hot chocolate or hot apple cider and had a New Year's feast. Lots of ham, black-eyed peas, not a collard to be seen, potato salad, fruit salad, pasta salad, hominy, chips and dips, and LOTS of desserts! Thanks to the Rangers and the park, we had lots of firewood for the fireplace. It got a little warmer when the sun came out for our 2nd hike. A smaller crowd drove to the visitor's center and hiked the loop trail that leads down to the lake and then switchbacks up the ridge to the visitors center. They have a tower there, nice views of Center Hill Dam from the top. 

Got to see some of my backpacking friends, met some nice people and really enjoyed this beautiful day.  


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