Sunday, June 24, 2018

Chester Frost State Park

Lora was off hiking with the TTA, so I took Dad, Mom, Melissa, Samantha, and Kaylin out for a camping trip at Chester Frost State Park. We got there before the 2pm check in time, so we ate lunch and hung out at the beach until time to set up. When we did start setting up a storm came in with a high powered wind which tore off awnings and threw chairs all over the place. Luckily we hadn't got that set up yet. The storm blew over, we got set up, and off to the beach.

Samantha got a campfire going and the girls cooked Smores for us to eat. They also helped out with the cooking of hamburgers for dinner and pancakes for breakfast. Good eats.

We had two great days of swimming and visiting. We watched as numerous storms went down the mountain, but none effected us. We did get into some storms on the way home Sunday, but everyone made it home safely.

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