Sunday, September 9, 2018

Tim's Ford TTA Float and Hike

Joan and Sara planned a great weekend for a float/hike at Tims Ford State Park. Four ladies- Sara, Joan , Jean and I met at the Tims Ford Dam boat ramp and paddled out to Little Island. Joan had already been there to clean up the island and set up her tent. It's a really pretty island to camp on. Squatters had built a table and a potty there before they were evicted. We did a night paddle around the Big Island which was really fun.The lights on our kayaks attracted some kind of insects that left a mess, they were plastered to our boats the next morning.

Saturday morning sunrise was beautiful. We spent the morning paddling on the lake and then to Ray Branch to do a little hiking. The new SP boat was parked at the trail entrance and we found the Ranger Nathan and a few volunteers building a new segment of trail. We tried to hike a loop, ended back at our boats, had lunch and hiked some more. Found the back country campsite that Craig and I stayed at before. Looks totally different, overgrown along with that section of trail. Needs feet on the trail to keep the weeds at bay.

Back to paddling across the lake, thru the usual weekend traffic. Relaxed on our pretty island, cleaned up, paddled to the cars and drove to Twin Creeks Marina for dinner. the Reuben I had was really good with kettle chips. Lots to choose from and the football games playing on the big screens was keeping everyone entertained. Full and happy, we returned to the boat dock and paddled some of the calories off on the way to the camp. Jean kept a small campfire burning to light up our night as we watched the stars pop pop pop. Sunday morning weather forecast got us up and moving and off the Island by 7:30. Paddled to the cars and loaded up.

Thanks ladies for new adventures for me: kayak camping and night paddling.


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