Saturday, December 22, 2018

Soak Creek

Finally a Saturday without rain! Eleven hikers gathered at the Piney River on Shut In Gap Road. It felt like old home week when I saw Don and Carol and TC and Judy in the parking lot. They also had another hiking friend with them, Lonnie. When Marietta, Cheryl, Sara, Jan and Nancy got there we were ready to go. We drove to the parking area for Stinging Fork SNA and got started, 33 degrees and sunny. There was a lot of water in the creek so the falls were flowing nicely. Water was flowing down the ridges all over the place. The new segment of trail goes from the Falls to Soak Creek then to the confluence with Piney River and out to the road close to the bridge across Piney River. The CTC Facebook page said 7.5 miles of trail. Don's calculations was 6.3 or so. He is planning to wheel the trail and GPS it soon. There will be trail descriptions added to the CTC website soon. The rock work on this trail is awesome, probably 1000 rock steps in here. Shawna's trail crew rocks!

As we crossed the bridge we saw 3 kayakers in the river working on their whitewater technique. That water is cold on this second day of winter, but they seemed excited to have some whitewater to play in.

We said goodbye to the CT vols, then headed back to Stinging Fork. We hiked back to the trail junction and out to the overlook, which we had skipped on the way in. Lots of moss and a few views of the creek, you can hear it better than you can see it from here.


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