Wednesday, August 9, 2023

Cummins Falls, Washmorgan Hollow, The Boils TTA


Deb led another great day of adventures. I met the group at Cummins Falls after my GPS took me on a merry tour of backroads from 111. The new Mack Prichard Visitor Center is really nice. John ID'd several mushrooms, even scoring an old man of the woods. We adventured on to Washmorgan Hollow WMA for a creekbed walk to a waterfall. There are steep slopes 200 to 300 feet that drop to the hollow. The last adventure was swimming at the Boils WMA where the water was refreshing. A spring bubbles up from the ground to feed cold water into the river. We had lunch here. What a beautiful day!

I stopped in Sparta to visit Farmers Storehouse. I got good advise from the miller there. He milled flour for me, and I got a sourdough starter kit. The I stopped at Brockdell Amish Produce, and found beautiful wildflowers by the road there.


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