Sunday, March 24, 2019

Frozen Head SP

Wayne invited us to join him and others on a backpack at Frozen Head State Park. There were six of us and we started out at the Lookout Tower West trailhead. It was a beautiful day for hiking and we had lots of visiting to do as well. We took the Lookout Tower West trail to the Bird Mt. trail. At the connection with the Cumberland trail we stopped and ate lunch. From there we took the Cumberland trail to the Coffin Springs trail and spent the night at the Coffin Springs campsite. None of us had ever stayed there before. Where the spring comes out there is a coffin shaped rock structure.

The Park Ranger said that it would get down to 23 degrees tonight so we gathered enough wood to stay warm to that temperature. We had a nice warm fire as we sat around and visited into the night. It never got below freezing or anywhere close that night.

The next morning we got up and continued the trail around to the Lookout Tower West trail and then took the Cumberland trail back to the North Bird Mt. trail and headed West. I believe that Lora and I were the only ones on this trail before. This trail finished Sara's list of hiking all the trails in the park.

We ate lunch at Phillips Creek and then climbed over Bird Mt. back to the cars. It was a strenuous but great hike with good friends.

It was about 6.5 miles in and 8.5 out.


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