Saturday, March 16, 2019

TTA Collins Gulf Loop

15 hikers met at the Collins Gulf Trailhead as a TTA joint hike with Highland Rim led by Marietta, Nashville led by Doug, and Murfreesboro led by Wayne.

We shared the trail today with trail runners there for the Savage Gulf Marathon. Can’t imagine running on the trails here, rugged and rocky, it’s tough enough to hike it.

It was a sunny day but a cool 31 degrees to start off. The M’boro folks along with one from Nashville started first. That was the last we saw of them. We gave right of way to the marathon runners, between that and admiring all the wildflowers, it took us a while to get to Horsepound Falls which was really flowing today. We were able to rock hop the water crossings and didn’t have to change into our water shoes. Found a pile of critter hair, that looked bad for whatever critter got in a fight. We saw the Rangers handing out trail magic to the runners, but since we weren’t running…. we had to climb out of the gulf and find a warm sunny spot to eat lunch.  

The forest along the rim had a mess of storm damage. Can’t imagine how many Rangers with chain saws it took to clear the trail. The snickers & twix  got us out of the Gulf before dark so the headlamps didn’t get any use today.

Wildflowers: Sweet Betsy trillium, yellow and long spurred violets, Bloodroot, Hepatica, Trout lily, Star chickweed, Spring beauties, Anemone, Toothwort, Dutchman’s britches, and Harbinger of Spring, and Golden ragwort, thanks to Nancy and Marietta for finding and naming.


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